We have started a page to help raise money for a great charity "The Baton".
Last week we helped a lovely couple move from Reading to Cullompton Devon. The house they moved to already had a fridge freezer so no longer needed the one they had. As we help where we can with delivering items for the Baton, we decided there and then to create a "For Sale" page on our website for everyone to benefit from. So Ian and Linda kindly donated the item to us. We created the page immediately and the fridge freezer was sold within the week. This is amazing news. We endeavour to recycle environmentally where we can and doing this made a lot of sense. Click here for the "For Sale" site.
The Baton’s Message of Conscience is fundamental to our cause:
“The Baton is a symbol of national conscience – of pride, hope, courage and suffering. Most importantly, it is a message of gratitude from those who wish to support the brave men and women of our armed forces who regularly risk their lives so that we may live with freedom of choice, peace and safety.
The Baton has been crafted with care and respect from the handle of a stretcher; a stretcher used in battle to carry the wounded and those in need, It has now returned home from Helmand Province in Afghanistan to a new role in recognition of those who have paid and those who are ready to pay, the ultimate price with their lives.
As the Baton has already done we must give our support… as those who carried the stretcher have, we must show our concern and compassion in all that they do and for their families and friends… as our brave men and women have, we must stand firm, we must not falter lest those who wish to change our future, our traditions, our way of life, win.
Are we doing all we can to ensure the continued delivery of that support?
We are a good and caring nation. By our deeds, words and consistent pressure on our leaders, we can and must show our support, appreciation and be loyal to those who loyally serve, in times of peace as well as war.
To the men and women of our armed forces… be assured of our pride, respect and thanks, for your professionalism, humanity and dedication to the task. Even though you may be serving in the furthest corners of the globe you will always be in our thoughts and prayers… out of sight will never be out of mind.” For more information click here.
On the page there isn't much on there at the moment as we have just set it up. But as time goes on we hope to have a gallery of donated items for sale which you can purchase. The Baton, Honiton DevonSee where the money goes click here.